Geniobits Smart Trading

Next Generation Algo Trading Service by Geniobits


  • Automated trading systems minimize emotions throughout the trading process.
  • Backtesting applies trading rules to historical market data to determine the viability of the idea – i.e., the average amount a trader can expect to win (or lose) per unit of risk.
  • Because trade rules are established and trade execution is performed automatically, discipline is preserved even in volatile markets. 
  • Since computers respond immediately to changing market conditions, automated systems are able to generate orders as soon as trade criteria are met. 
  • Automated trading systems permit the user to trade multiple accounts or various strategies at one time. The computer is able to scan for trading opportunities across a range of markets, generate orders and monitor trades.

  • Have Trading Ideas?
  • Build Your strategy using our REST API
  • Test with Simulator in live or recorded market data
  • Fix or Fine tune your strategy and re-test
  • Execute ( Go Live)

We do not disclose Sensitive information or data with anyone. Best practices used to ensure confidentiality are as follows:

a. An authentication process, which ensures that authorized users are assigned confidential user identification and passwords.

b. Role-based security methods may be employed to ensure user or viewer authorization. For example, data access levels may be assigned to specified department staff.

c. Access controls ensure that user actions remain within their roles. For example, if a user is authorized to read but not write data, defined system controls may be integrated.